Building-up a paintball field is not an easy task to do. It is one of the architectures’ crucial job. The building-up process and the design of the field should be based on your own preference. Moreover, you can also ask your friends or your potential customers about the design of the paintball field that they are interested into.
Actually, you can do a personal paintball field lay-out of your own. With just a pen and paper ready, you can already do the sketching of your desired architectural paintball field design. You can also do your sketching by utilizing some applications available over the web.
Having the architectural design on process, the guidelines here include some important things that you must ensure to build a paintball field. Additionally, it may assists you and help you to be aware of the rules and regulations in putting up a paintball field. Also, the gears and accessories that you must need in playing must be considered. You may visit to check for those items.
Starting to build your paintball field
Similar with other business, opening a paintball field requires checking the laws and policies imposed to your local state. This may include pertinent permits and legal documents, inspection, and liabilities. Remember, the requirements may vary according to the states that you are located.
After that, you may now start to draw the design of your paintball field. However, you need to have a concept or a plan about the type of the field that you want. In creating the style of paintball field, you should consider visibility range as is it an important factor.
Natural field barriers design
Basically, these include hills, tall grass, large trees, streams, and trails that naturally occurs in the environment. These are far more better compared to those bunkers that are man made. Having good numbers of these barriers in the field make it easier to build an outstanding paintball field.
However, you may also try to add up numerous bases inside your field. Just ensure that you choose the base locations appropriately. You can add and mix some man made bunkers close to the bases in the paintball field. But, remember not to make it like a speedball course.
Tactical paintball field
The architectural design of a tactical paintball field looks like a multipurpose field in playing airsoft. For this type of field, an old building design would be good. With the effect of a dimly lit surrounding, various hallways, and presence of several rooms make it a good one. It’s something like playing an indoor combat.
In case, you would go for an old building as your paintball field, ensure that you inspect it properly. Check for the presence of asbestos as some old buildings may have it. Better to inspect for it because it may be difficult to tear it down afterwards.