Architecture denotes the entirety of all buildings with an artistic design that goes beyond the requirements of their pure purpose or usefulness. The shape and construction are developed depending on natural and cultural conditions, ideas, conceptions, and functions of a building. You may check leiebilnord sin sammenligning site and see the buildings and appreciate the works of art.
A distinction is made in particular with regard to the function of a building
Sacred buildings (buildings that serve cultic and religious purposes) and
Profane buildings (buildings without religious or cultic use).
Sacred buildings
Sacred architecture is the general term for all buildings that serve cultic and religious purposes:
- in the ancient temple,
- in Christian art churches and monasteries,
- in Egypt and Latin America pyramids,
- in Islamic art mosques,
- in Buddhism pagodas, stupas, and viharas
- in Jewish art synagogues.
In the early architectural testimonies of prehistoric art with cultic functions – the megalithic buildings in France, England, Ireland, Malta, and northern Germany – the essence of sacred architecture is particularly clear. Instead of continuing to use natural places such as mountains, springs, trees, etc. as sacred areas, stones were moved, transported, and arranged according to a certain system in the Neolithic Age.
Through these stone setting and the associated cultic acts – burial, sacrifice, ancestor veneration – the selected place gets an ideal meaning as something permanent and lasting. Through regular repetition of certain cultic and religious acts in these architecturally determined locations, traditions develop. According to the cultic behavior, procession, and concentration, the archetypal forms of sacred spaces emerge – shaped corridors and shaped spaces.
Sacred architecture is always symbolic. The symbolism is important in terms of art history of
- Colors (liturgical colors),
- To shape,
- (Precious) stones,
- Plants,
- Animals,
- Stars,
- Numbers, etc.
In medieval architecture, the number symbolism – especially the numbers three, four, seven and twelve – plays a major role. Just like the artist, the architect can become a mediator between the divine and the human, between idea and appearance.
Secular buildings
The term secular buildings encompass all buildings without religious or cultic use. Profane means “something in front of the sacred area”. There are three main groups in profane architecture:
- Castle and palace buildings,
- Residential and communal buildings,
- Urban development.