If there is one thing that a person would want in the term of his life – that is having his very own abode. While we are so used to home designs that our forefathers have passed on to us, there are home designs that are futuristic in nature. Some were even built in a weird manner but conducive to living.

Have you seen weird houses that look like it was taken out from a futuristic magazine or a sci-fi film? Or homes that look so tiny you are not sure if it was inspired by those small homes you find in RuneScape, an online game that allows you buy RS gold from sites like RSgoldStop to make gaming better.

With that being said, YouTube presents a lot of videos that show futuristic homes and architecture. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

10 Futuristic Houses That Will Blow Your Mind

Some of these sleek, weird houses look like they’ve been ripped out of the twenty-second century and some look like they’re from the next millennium. Get ready to move into the freaky saucer homes of tomorrow.

15 Extraordinary Homes You Have To See To Believe

Whether you like homes with infamous heights or being just cuddled underground, there are houses that are just right for you. Mins Eye Design presents 15 extraordinary homes that will blow your mind.

10 Futuristic Homes – Transforming Houses and Design

You may have watched Transformers, robots that transforms to a vehicle. Well, that’s exactly how these house designs are made. Futuristic? Sure it is. Considering that we need space to build our homes, now we can just take our homes to wherever it is we like. It transforms from a box to a home. How cool is that?

Everyone was laughing at his HOUSE, until they went inside

Tiny Homes are the future. We all know that space is always an issue these days. Dreaming big is no longer as feasible as living big. Many people are starting to downgrade, bringing their homes with them wherever they prefer to be. Check out these tiniest homes of all time.

Houses of the future are predictable or so we thought. From homes that were built weird to homes that were built smaller than the usual? Well, we don’t really know what the future has for us. But we sure hope that future homes are still comfortable for people to live in.