Understanding The Important Trifecta In Construction Management And How To Strike A Good Balance Between Them
The world has changed forever when the COVID-19 pandemic struck within short notice earlier this year. Aside from the danger that this new disease poses to the general population, this health crisis has also forced millions of businesses to close until the situation eases up a little. Even so, there will be some big adjustments that must be made in order for us to have a stable income in the coming months.
Some companies had no choice but to reduce their operation, thus having the need to lay off their workers. In this case, if you are among those unfortunate individuals who were let go by their employers due to the COVID-19 crisis, this could be the chance for you to make it big on your own. If you have some knowledge about renovating houses or small-scale construction projects, you can take the opportunity to create your own construction group!
Before you get yourself into this new journey, remember the important trio that every construction manager must know: time, cost, and quality. These are the things that you should always look into if you want the outcome of your projects to be well-received by your future clients.
Should You Prioritize Time, Cost, Or Quality? Perhaps You Don’t Need To Make A Compromise
As you start with your first project, the first thing that might get into your head is to finish the project at the soonest time possible. This way, you may impress your clients with how fast you were able to turn over the building to them. After all, time is what most clients are concerned about, and this is understandable since they would want to use the building, or perhaps make profit out of it ASAP. However, you should also think about the things that you might be forgetting if you try to speed things up a bit.
For example, you can turn over a house to the owners right after the construction phase of the project is over, but have you double-checked the appearance of the house flooring? The appearance is just one thing because as the days pass by, the owner might notice that the flooring will taper off due to weather. In this case, you might also want to think about your product’s quality, or how satisfied your clients will be when they start to use the outcome of your project.
Aside from the time and quality, you will also need to be concerned about how much money has already gotten out of your bank account during the construction phase of your project. Sure thing, there is a way for you to expedite the construction process while also ensuring that the quality of the building is top-notch. However, this means that you will also shell out a huge sum of money to perform all these. If you are unsure, just check https://grabfreerobux.com as an example. Be mindful about the cost of your project, or you will end up giving much more than what your clients have given you to build a house.