The role of an architect in a construction project is very broad. From the intricate design process to very important decision-making, architects are always deeply involved. In this case, we can expect that architects often spot errors and irregularities in the job site. Workers might find them to be nitpicky at times when it comes to checking, but it is important to identify the mistakes in the construction phase of the project before it is too late to fix them.
Building owners hire architects and pay them very generously for a good reason, and they always get the best of what they have spent due to the architects’ knowledge. One of the reasons for this is that architects prevent the problems before they even take place. For example, a erroneously built wall would require more time and money to be demolished and replaced. This is why it is a must to know the construction errors at the earliest time possible.
That being said, as a newly-graduated architect who has just begun gaining experience in this field, here are some of the most common construction errors that you should keep an eye on in your very first project.
Not Enough Venting Of Crawlspace
It is sometimes overlooked by field managers and inspectors that the crawlspaces become quite moldy. Perhaps this is due to the hectic schedule on site that sometimes, maintaining the crawlspaces is already disregarded. It is important to look out for the rain in the construction site, and when you forget about the crawlspace venting, expect the molds to be everywhere.
Always keep the construction materials dry and away from possible sources of moisture. If you spot that some materials are wet, dry them out immediately. Go to Info4Runners Review to learn more about this issue.
Not Enough Insulation
Maintaining good insulation in the building is important, and for some people on site, placing insulating materials around the area is the automatic answer. For a new architect who has just gotten into this business, this could be one of your actions. However, you should be mindful of not leaving a gap in the insulation. When this happens, you are like letting a person walk outside in the middle of winter with a hole in his jacket. Make sure that the insulation around the building is continuous and solid.
Check The Materials That Are Appropriate For A Given Space
This is a very important part when it comes to construction management. At the earliest time possible, check if the right materials are installed in a certain spot of the building. You wouldn’t want to see errors when the finishing materials are already installed. Sometimes, it is not always the workers’ fault when the wrong material is put in place. This can be due to confusing floor plans or construction drawings, especially when multiple drawing overlap each other or there might be too many erasures in the plan that people can no longer read it properly.
In this case, a job site meeting is the best solution to prevent this problem from happening. Give the workers a chance to ask any of their queries about the plans.